Temporary Hair Dyes (Streekers)

There is so much in the market now a days that helps you look fashionable without too much effort. One of them is temporary hair dye because not everyone wants to bleach their hair but still want a really funky or cute hair colours. Temporary hair dyes are one of the best ways to colour your hair if you don't want to dye your hair or bleach them. I always enjoyed different colours in my hair and liked changing that colour every week but bleaching my hair every week would have been a disaster for my hair so i always enjoyed temporary hair colours. There are some really nice hair dyes and some look worst on your hair so i thought i would share what i loved on my hair. So one of them is streekers.

It's packaging looks like a lip gloss bottle and has the same looking brush too but it's not a lip gloss. To apply those colours to your hair all you have to do is separate a streek of your hair and them with the help of brush apply that to your hair let it dry for a few seconds and them brush through it. You will see a really nice colours on your hair. But there is a negative point about streekers too that you must have really light brown or blonde hair because on dark hair the colour doesn't show up and you sure don't want to spend your money on something like that. For dark hair there are hair chalks and sparys you can try but that looks actually kind of fake, so i don't like putting that on my hair also hair sprays makes my hair really stiff. So if you want to dye your hair and not bleach them and also have light hair colours you must try that I'm sure you will love it.


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